Sunday, February 3, 2008

Girl Of The Week Feb 03 2008

Sienna Miller:

Epitome of New age style, love her or hate her she follows her own drumer and in my humble opinion, always get's it right. Hell, Even when she gets it wrong it still seems oh so right thanks to her carefree nature. Despite what you may think about her style you can't deny that she is a risk taker and a major trend setter in todays fashion consumed world. Golden haired and tanned of limb, she encompasses the style and poise that most girls long for whilst still maintaining an air of careless fancy and lightheartedness that makes her ever endearing. Pioneer of the now overdone 'Boho' trend she claims to eat curry's, have cellulite, a flat chest and not excersize a bit, which makes us a wee bit jealous but adds to her normalcy. Plus she can pull off any hairstyle and colour it seems which is no small feat, so here's Trilby's off to you Miss Miller!

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