Friday, February 1, 2008

Childhood Crushes

I can't remember how but last night me and the boy got into a discussion surrounding who we held a candle for as youngin's. His incidently was Tinkerbell from Peter Pan which led me to yelp "OH man that's spooky! I totally had a thing for Peterpan!" Match made in heaven hey? Then I recalled that my biggest flame yet was for TinTin, the title character from the Herge series of the same name. I don't know if anyone has read the books. If you haven't I highly reccomend or you could even whatch it on dvd (I own the box set, NERD!). They turned it into a tv series and it's fantastic! Truly an essential part of my growing up, I used to go to my Nonna's house and whatch it on her tiny tv in the afternoons. It was filled with the right amount of childish whimsy bought about in a very mature and intelligent way without being to overwhelming for kids (In saying that the 'Seven Crystal Balls' scared the s***t out of me :-S Damned Inka's!)

This conversation prompted us to try and recognize what we saw in our childhood crushes, what qualities in these characters led us to have such feelings for mere cartoons. I feel that In Boy's case, Tinkerbell is the quintecential cutie pie. She is sweet and pretty, in an uncontrived way but she knows how to turn the bitch on when she wants something. A strong woman wrapped up in a gorgeous little package, very appealing for guys. For me, TinTin was both boyish and charming but intelligent and resourceful at the same time. Serious and driven and always courageous, plus he had that adorable cowlick and an affection for animals, what a ladykiller!

What cartoon characters did you have affections for as a child?


C xx

P.s A apologise in advance, my spell checker is broken so for any gramatical errors, I truly am sorry. You've found out my deepest darkest secret. I can't spell! GASP!

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