Thursday, February 28, 2008


What better way to throw the shackles of the past weeks miseries off than to vent on the icky stuff that went down. The stuff that has irritated me this week is..

  • Paying way too much for getting my hair done- Happily I scrounged that money together for my blondness. Does anyone else think that $136 dollars seems like a lot of money for say 12 foils and a toner??? I'm scared to look at my bank account.
  • Flu- I've had the dreaded lurgy all week. Icky. I hate runny noses and not being able to go to the gym. It makes me feel useless :-(
  • Crowded buses and traffic jams- Having to stand for an extended bus rides due to traffic, all the while with giant folder in aching hand and bag on an arm that may be about to snap off. The bus swaying side to side and that guy in the business suit 'accidental' brushing up against my ass. UGH! Not a nice way to start the day.
  • People who walk slowly when you're in a hurry- Pretty self explanatory.
  • Nosey shop assistants- Going way beyond the salesgirl who keeps asking if you're alright for sizes in the trendy clothes store, when you have way-too-small jeans around your knees, A Coles check-out lady actually had the audacity to comment on my weight as I was buying groceries yesterday. Whilst minding my own, reaching for my ATM card I was horrified to hear "You-a lost lots of-a weight. Very skinny! Tsk tsk" accompanied by a disapproving look. Maybe I meant to lose 'lots of-a weight' Maria. Or maybe not. Either way, NONE OF YOUR BEESWAX!
  • Waxing Rash- Every time I attempt to wax my lip I get a bad rash. These little white heads pop up and it is the absolute bane of my existence. I've either got a moustache or acne lip! I can't win! I got a big fat pimply rash on Wednesday when I waxed and its causing me grief.

and lastly...

  • Being in career limbo- I'm stuck between about 4 different professional pathways at the moment and it's doing my head in. I don't know what the logical next step to take is and I'm wondering why I can't decide on one and be content? It's disconcerting when things aren't clear. Soon clarity will shine hopefully.

HERE'S TO THE WEEKEND KIDDIES! I've got a German themed party to go to. WHOO HOO for Bier Wenches!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Courtesy of the lovely Gala Darling....


New Music- My most recent gold stars go to Goldfrapp-'The seventh tree', Vampire weekend-Vampire Weekend', Sui Zhen-'Sui Zhen', Phoenix-'It's never been like that'. Look them all up!

Castings- I'm getting lots of good ones at the moment. It's very exciting. I'll let you know if I get cast for any of them.

Blonde highlights- I miss my creamy halo :-( Jealously looking at pictures of gorgeous models and celebs with effortless honey hair, I can't wait to scrounge some money together so I can splurge at the 'dresser and rock the blonde once again.

Cocoa- I swear you can put it in anything and It tastes like delicious chocolaty goodness, with half the calories! Sweeeet. I put it in sugarfree yogurt (Don't judge me, I'm half American) and it tastes just like pudding.

Nuevo punk dressing- When I wear my lace up combat boots with little floral dresses and tights I feel edgy but sweet in a kind of 90's manga girl way. I get strange looks but feel fierce and walk with a skip in my step.

Finding the perfect jeans- Kenji, how I love you. Super skinny, Dark wash, mid rise. PERFECTION! Finally...

Marion Cotillard- I have loved her for ever and ever and she just keeps getting more amazing. I mean, girl just won an oscar for her beautiful performance in La Vie en Rose. Exsquisite. She also gets extra points for dressing like a mermaid.

Foxtel- So much to watch! I love the Food channel, E!, Arena, Bio, Home & Health, and Travel & Living ..oh and the 'How To' channel. I could watch all day. The weather is perfect at the moment to cuddle up with the boy in front of the teev and on that note....

Rain-....I'm loving the weather right now, stormy, grey and gloomy, just the way I like it.

Concise Fashion Websites- A few of the best are:

DR. 90210- Does it need an explanation. It's so bad it's good. Addictive and wee bit dangerous as I'm now actually contemplating :-S EEP!

and coming tomorrow 'THINGS THAT IRK ME FRIDAY'

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

She was just so wonderfully stylish, beautiful and talented. Her images are haunting. In the best possible way.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

You are so beautiful

My babies finally bloomed this morning!

I'm so proud.

Gardenia's have long been my favourite

flowers and now I have their smell on my deck when they bloom

In the morning sun.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Monday Feb 4th 2008

The Good: I started Beauty School Today. It's a lot of fun and surprisingly theory based. I love learning about Miology and Cytology though. So interesting looking at different skin conditions, OOO and we started lash & brow tinting today. Very fun AND relaxing...

The Bad: I THEN had the most disgustingly squishy, hot, moist,
uncomfortable and cramped bus ride home. It was a typical rainy and
muggy Sydney February day today, I had too many folders and I sat next to a guy who smelled like McDonalds... yech...

Girl Of The Week Feb 03 2008

Sienna Miller:

Epitome of New age style, love her or hate her she follows her own drumer and in my humble opinion, always get's it right. Hell, Even when she gets it wrong it still seems oh so right thanks to her carefree nature. Despite what you may think about her style you can't deny that she is a risk taker and a major trend setter in todays fashion consumed world. Golden haired and tanned of limb, she encompasses the style and poise that most girls long for whilst still maintaining an air of careless fancy and lightheartedness that makes her ever endearing. Pioneer of the now overdone 'Boho' trend she claims to eat curry's, have cellulite, a flat chest and not excersize a bit, which makes us a wee bit jealous but adds to her normalcy. Plus she can pull off any hairstyle and colour it seems which is no small feat, so here's Trilby's off to you Miss Miller!

So YOU think you can?

I'M SO EXCITED!!! 'So You Think You Can Dance?' Australia has officially started!!! Oh how I love watching people emote throught dance. It is one of the most magical expressions of emotion you can ever witness. I'm so overwhelmed...oh oh OH I adore it so.....

I was such a fan of the American series
that I was aprehensive about how good the
Aussie version would be. Verdict: It's so much better than I anticipated. SO HAPPY!

Excuse me while I go cry in amazement.

So you think you can dance? Dum dum doo be doo be doo be....

Friday, February 1, 2008


I'm someone who constantly has people come up and say "Oh my gaawwwwd, You look so much like (Insert name of cousin/sister/best friend/celebrity here)!!"

Most often I get people telling me I look like the Olsen twins. It's been happening more rapidly over time. In saying that I also have had, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson Danielle Fishel, Britany Murphy, and 'That Danni from Home and Away' (Tammin Sursock). Alas my nickname was still 'Olsen' at school and the mistaken identity crisis has got to the point whereby I have been surrounded by teenage girls wanting autographs at my local mall. People have been known to shoot surprised stares my way at the movies, I scared a customer at the department store I used to work at by turning around and facing her whilst 'MK & A's' Fragrance line was coyly placed behind me like a billboard. I even got a guy expressing his love to me and congatulating me for my fine work on 'Full House'....ON THE BUS of all places. I ask you, would one of the Olsen twins be riding the bus in Surry Hills and reading the Sydney Morning Herald?? I think not, sorry fella.

Which leads me to wonder, Who do you get mistaken for?


C xx

Childhood Crushes

I can't remember how but last night me and the boy got into a discussion surrounding who we held a candle for as youngin's. His incidently was Tinkerbell from Peter Pan which led me to yelp "OH man that's spooky! I totally had a thing for Peterpan!" Match made in heaven hey? Then I recalled that my biggest flame yet was for TinTin, the title character from the Herge series of the same name. I don't know if anyone has read the books. If you haven't I highly reccomend or you could even whatch it on dvd (I own the box set, NERD!). They turned it into a tv series and it's fantastic! Truly an essential part of my growing up, I used to go to my Nonna's house and whatch it on her tiny tv in the afternoons. It was filled with the right amount of childish whimsy bought about in a very mature and intelligent way without being to overwhelming for kids (In saying that the 'Seven Crystal Balls' scared the s***t out of me :-S Damned Inka's!)

This conversation prompted us to try and recognize what we saw in our childhood crushes, what qualities in these characters led us to have such feelings for mere cartoons. I feel that In Boy's case, Tinkerbell is the quintecential cutie pie. She is sweet and pretty, in an uncontrived way but she knows how to turn the bitch on when she wants something. A strong woman wrapped up in a gorgeous little package, very appealing for guys. For me, TinTin was both boyish and charming but intelligent and resourceful at the same time. Serious and driven and always courageous, plus he had that adorable cowlick and an affection for animals, what a ladykiller!

What cartoon characters did you have affections for as a child?


C xx

P.s A apologise in advance, my spell checker is broken so for any gramatical errors, I truly am sorry. You've found out my deepest darkest secret. I can't spell! GASP!