Saturday, January 26, 2008

Spray Me!

I went to the annual Australia Day street party in my boyfriend's cul de sac last night. It's a great idea, nice weather permitting, where the whole street comes out on their front lawns and sets up an makeshift outside living room, complete with couches and everyone has a giant BBQ whilst watching two feature movies. One kids viewing at around 7pm then an adult/older kiddies session at about 9pm. Movies on offer last night were Ratatouille & Hairspray!. Boy and myself were both feeling a little antisocial at first and lethargic from our respective first weeks back at work/study so opted out of the kids movie and stayed inside at his watching Arrested Development until dark then snuck out to catch Hairspray!. I must say The movie was a little cheesy and obvious and overall a little too sickly sweet, American as apple pie for my taste. However in saying that what I did take a away from it was a sense of confidence that I am OK within my own skin (a thought that rarely passes through my self conscious mind). The mere fact that the little fat girl with big hopes, huge talent and heart to match actually gets the boy and the glory in the end was very satisfying for this former fatty boomstix. If you are a little self conscious about something I recommend seeing it highly. It covers all sorts of prejudice and most notably, people's current preoccupation with weight and size. If I had seen that when I was around 12 it would have probably installed some much needed confidence in me that didn't come until later on in life. So here's to you Tracy Turnbladd! And here's a little thought from me:

Never stop doing what makes YOU feel alive. You're only going to make yourself miserable if you don't, but you'll make countless others happy and inspired when you do!


C xx

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